
House (s)

Living in the same white-washed walls,
eating from the same plates during dinner,
and breathing the same heavy-fogged air,
we're shouldn't differ too much.

But it's a pity.
The similarity only ends there,
for after it, we open the doors to the little worlds of our own,
enter. close. and begin,
leading seperate lives.
opening it again only for meals, weekends
and post-school days.

My house houses five houses.
These houses operate on different frequencies.
They have their own language, wavelengths and ideals.
Diversity is great in a country,
not a house.

Sometimes, in fact very often,
misunderstandings do arise,
and when it does,
so begins the silent firing of missiles between houses,
curses, expelatives hurled like comets,
raining down at ferocious speed.

crushing. destroying. down.
it offers satisfaction, but only momentary.
then guilt sinks in, and it stays.

But ultimately,
these houses still belong to one house.

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