
I just wanted to ramble.

my biological alarm clock is all wired up the wrong way round. it's 3 am and surprisingly, i am up. doing the things i hate to do, but i've got to do. the house is dead quiet, everyone's sleeping. i smell the "late night- early dawn" scent. it's haze, i think. then ocassionally a bus drive past the road, otherwise, it's just me and myself.

i like this time of the day, surprisingly again.

i'll let you wreak havoc on my body for another 5 more months, or less.
after it, i'll make you pay back. double the price.


Straying thoughts

It's the time of the month again.
where my thoughts run astray,
far from my grasp or control.
I only find out when i notice it
isn't there.

Someone told me they were at the london bridge last summer.
Last winter, they strayed again to some faroff place.
I never knew.

Sometimes they take 2 weeks,
on most times about a month,
these days, it's unpredictable--
how long they take to arrive.

but alas, they always show up at my doorstep,
tired and stoic.
and i'd take them back,
regardless of the time.