
i have decided to end it. here, and now.

attention diverted,
to the skies above,
from the view ahead.

In-fat-uation is, now officially O-val.


Cravings./. children

i don't crave for many,
neither do i crave for much.
just one would do.

the sun is hot and the ice-cream is melting!
up comes a boy and he tries to lick it away,
who then stumbles upon a rock,
falling on a little girl,
who loses her balance too,
and the grip of a balloon in her hands,

which flew...

up,up and away!



"Life can only be understood backward.
It must be lived forward. "

-the curious case of benjamin button.


i have just sailed pass a week of school in my little boat quite peacefully.
I'm sure the thunderstorm and sea monsters haven't quite arrived yet.
However, i don't quite know how to sail through those storms and fight the monsters yet, albeit being at sea for the past 3 years.
i had better start to learn now

Quites-- do they really mean something? or are they just decorative words; lost at sea.



to understand the true meaning of love,
is to experience it.
that's why there are still wars.

nobody understands love,
the way it is suppose to be understood.